[Avodah] Shva Na's etc.
Micha Berger
micha at aishdas.org
Fri May 24 09:35:39 PDT 2019
On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 09:36:00AM -0400, Yosef Gavriel Bechhofer wrote:
: What, if any, significance does the meseg in the AS have? They are
: really tiny. I hadn't even noticed them until a couple of days ago.
They mark emphasized syllables. They, like everyone else, seem to only
denote those that would avoid mistakes they think are common.
And, diqduq is not ArtScroll's highest priority. So I wouldn't assume
one /should/ be relying on the opinion they chose.
A confusion is that sometimes a meseg is a real meseg, there since
the Baalei Mesorah marked up the text with trop symbols. Which gets
confusing in their text for Qeri'as Shema.
>From my list of rules:
> ' Mordechai Breuer's version of R' Elyahu Bachur's rules gimel - hei:
> ei: sheva following a meseg (but not every meseg is still printed in
> the text, nor is every meseg in the text from the originals)
> (Raza"h's rule vuv)
> (exceptions: 1. meseg between patach and yud-sheva (e.g. "vayhi",
> "vaynahageihu"),
> 2. meseg on chirik or segol of binyan hispa'el (e.g.
> "mishtachavim", "esnahalah")
: The siddurim that have been recommended to me are mostly out of
: print...
Both of the siddurim I suggested, Simanim and Ezor Eliyahu, are
in print. Simanim, with the helpful floating text in the margine,
is even comparatively inexpensive.
: the new (Hebrew only) Koren siddur? I am not happy with it either,
: since in the Heb-Eng Sacks siddur is says to say Hallel with a
: bracha on YhA, but I am not sure what is a graver sin - changing Goy
: to Nochri or directing the davener to say Hallel with a bracha on
: YhA.
If you are bothered by changing goy to nakhri then you really need an
Ezor Eliyahu, which will tell you every change in girsa from the norms
since the invention of the printing press.
But they don't have all of them. Get used to "vesein chelqeinu beSorasakh,
sabe'einu mituvakh, samach kafsheinu biyshu'asakh", numerous "shaAtah"s
turning back into "sheAtah", etc..
Evolution in the siddur is the norm. You can't go crazy about any
one change. (As long as it's not as big as a berakhah levatalah.)
Micha Berger Today is the 34th day, which is
http://www.aishdas.org/asp 4 weeks and 6 days in/toward the omer.
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