[Avodah] The "Unknown Days" of the Jewish Calendar

elazar teitz emteitz at gmail.com
Fri May 17 14:43:02 PDT 2019

RZSero writes, " I will not be so foolish as to claim there are no
communities where it has lately become the "established custom" not to fast
but still to say
Selichos; there are so many different customs that it's foolish to insist
that *anything* doesn't exist. So I will merely say that I have never heard
of such a thing."

It is surprising that RZS has never heard of such a thing, given that it is
-- and has been for decades -- the practice in virtually all Litvishe
yehivos, in the US and Israel, to do just that: say the slichos of BH"B,
but not fast.  I am virtually certain that such was the custom in Lita
itself. It is also the practice in the shuls of the Prushim in
Yerushalayim.  While doubtless the custom originated as a fast with
slichos, the fast was long ago abandoned, while slichos lo zazu mim'komon.

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