[Avodah] Shva Na's etc.

Michael Poppers michaelpoppers at gmail.com
Fri May 17 07:49:14 PDT 2019

In Avodah V37n39, RYGB noted:
> I also was caught once saying l'eyla in kaddish me'l'ra. Embarrasing.
The AS does not indicate me'l'ra's.
> The siddur I use personally, the German Roedelheim siddur, does not
identify either. <
(By "either", I'm assuming that RYGB meant to say that the "German
Roedelheim siddur" also does not "indicate me'l'ra's"; his words could be
interpreted as meaning that said *siddur* does not indicate either *mil'eil*
or *mil'ra*.)  The default accent for *t'fila* is *mil'ra*, and printers
tend to only indicate exceptions from the default.  (Whether Aramaic
follows the same rules as Hebrew is a separate discussion, but for purposes
of *siddur* publishing, let us assume it does.)

R'Micha replied:
>> I am soliciting recommendations for an Ashkenaz siddur that will help me
out with these (and perhaps other) enhancements of tefillah. <<
> If you want to see what the 19th cent O-Haskalishe gramarians (including
R Shlomo-Zalman Hanau [Raza"h] and R Wolf Heidenheim [Ravva"h]) did to
Nusach Ashkenaz, you need an Eizor Eliyahu. <
If you don't mind using a full-size *siddur*, you might want to [per]use
R'Hofmeister's T'filas Y'shurun (
As just one example of corrections it made to the Roedelheim (influenced by
the noted grammarians), see this week's Mesorah "Nusach Ashkenaz - Long
Tachanun" thread re *m'qaveh* vs. *m'qavah*.

A gut'n Shabbes
and all the best from
*Michael Poppers* * Elizabeth, NJ, USA
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