[Avodah] Q. What is included in the mitzvah of kibud av v’aim (honoring parents)?

Professor L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Fri Mar 8 12:15:39 PST 2019

>From today's OU Kosher Halacha Yomis

Q. What is included in the mitzvah of kibud av v’aim (honoring parents)?

A. The mitzvah of honoring parents includes serving them food and drink, helping them get dressed and come and go (if they need assistance), making sure their home and clothing are clean, as well as shopping and cooking for them. In general, the mitzvah entails taking care of all of the needs of one’s parents. Sefer Chareidim (Mitzvas Essai, 1) writes that inherent in the mitzvah is that children think of their parents as outstanding and distinguished individuals. One should stand up for parents when they enter the room. Chazal give examples of honoring parents, even to an excessive and extreme degree (see Kiddushin 31b).

There is an additional mitzvah to revere one’s parents. Shulchan Aruch (YD 240:2) gives the following examples of reverence: not sitting in a parent’s seat, contradicting them, or calling them by their name.

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