[Avodah] Where was the Mishkan stored?

Arie Folger arie.folger at gmail.com
Tue Feb 26 12:28:05 PST 2019

Dear Ovedim,

According to Sotah 9a, the beams of the mishkan Moshe made were never
destroyed, but were rather stored in a secret space in a hollow on Har

Presumably, those beams could survive the churban of Shilo because, as the
Mishna Zevachim 14:6 explains, Shilo used the tapestries of Moshe's
mishkan, but not its beams.

However, where were they during the more or less 400 years from the
founding of Shilo until the construction of the Beit haMikdash?

Arie Folger,
Visit my blog at http://rabbifolger.net/

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