[Avodah] The DICTA project

Zvi Lampel zvilampel at gmail.com
Mon Feb 18 17:05:10 PST 2019

Ami magazine (issue 405) interviewed Dr. Moshe Koppel, who is developing a  
valuable free website program ‎‎(dicta.org.il), 5 tools of which are  
available now. I tried out its Nakdan program, which inserts ‎nikud into  
non-nikud texts, and I am very, very impressed. Here is how the website  
describes its tools:‎

The DICTA Bible search engine allows users to easily search for words and  
phrases in the Bible, ‎with no need to worry about spelling and word  
forms. Search results of one or more words will ‎include verses in which  
the searched words appear, with appropriate variations of spelling and  
‎word form. ‎
Results appear in order of relevance, alternatively you can choose to have  
them presented in the customary order of biblical books.‎

Automatically add nikud (vocalization) to any modern, poetic or classical  
Hebrew text.‎


Define two or more categories of texts that interest you (e.g., "early  
Biblical Hebrew" and "late ‎Biblical Hebrew") and specify some examples of  
each category (e.g., Joshua and Judges as ‎‎"early" and Esther and Ezra as  
"late"). Dicta's classifier will assign any new text that you select  
‎‎(for instance, Ruth or Joel) to its most likely category, based on the  
key stylistic markers of each type. ‎

Synopsis Builder aligns two or more versions of the same (arbitrarily  
long) text, highlighting differences between versions and matching up  
parallel words, including variant spellings and synonyms.‎

Flag corrupted words
Identify text origin‎ ‎
Expand abbreviations
Source criticism‎ ‎
Find parallel texts
Forgery detection

Zvi Lampel

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