[Avodah] culture

Eli Turkel eliturkel at gmail.com
Fri Dec 21 01:22:47 PST 2018

<<However, for the yechidim who realize it's going on and that everyone
is fooling themselves.... I see a big OTD risk as cynicism is bound to
creap in, as well as (including?) a loss of respect for any authority
figures who are fooled or caught blindfolding others.  >>

Indeed I am always bothered by those who claim that they are not influenced
at all but outside culture. Even if not directly we are all influenced by
outside forces. There is no such thing today as Jewish music since anything
the leviim sang has been lost. Living in Israel sefardi music is much
different than ashkenazi music simply because Arabic music is different
than Hungarian music.

Anyone who learns Rambam is influenced at some level by Greek philosophy.
Read rishonim on the reasons for dina demalchuta and compare it to the old
defenses of the rights of kings - just happen to be identical. Many
rishonim were familar with secular philosophy and even the Ramah knew
philosophy. In spite of appearances Chatam Sofer had a broad background and
spoke German.

All of this without referring to RAL who has a spirited defense of much
(certainly not all) of modern literature and parts of modern culture.

Eli Turkel
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