[Avodah] Chanukah Party and Lighting the Menorah
Akiva Miller
akivagmiller at gmail.com
Tue Dec 11 18:33:18 PST 2018
Someone quoted the OU's Halacha Yomis:
> As noted in a previous Halacha Yomis, nowadays, the menorah
> is lit primarily for one's family, and not to publicize the
> miracle to the public.
R' Zev Sero asked:
> What about people who live alone? To whom are they publicising
> it, if not to the passersby?
I don't think the OU meant to suggest that one isn't yotzay if his
family doesn't see the neros. When danger caused us to move the
menorah indoors, *everyone* lit indoors. No exceptions were made for
those who live alone. It seems clear to me that one is yotzay even if
he is the only one to see them lit.
Come to think of it, one is yotzay Pirsumei Nisa if no one hears him
read the Megilla, or if no one sees him drinking Arba Kosos. Why
should Ner Chanuka be different?
It is true that the Mishne Berura 672:11 says that if everyone at home
is already asleep, then he must either wake someone or light without
the bracha. But the Igros Moshe OC 4:105:7 says that one *can* say the
brachos in such a case, and he points out that this is also the
opinion of the Chemed Moshe, cited by the author of the MB in Shaar
Hatziyun 672:17, and that the Shaar Hatziyun concludes, "if one wants
to act like that, we don't stop him."
Akiva Miller
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