[Avodah] Longevity of Minhag haMakom

Eli Turkel eliturkel at gmail.com
Thu Oct 11 01:20:20 PDT 2018

<< But does he even address the question of what right the SA, or his whole
Sefardi community, had to set minhag EY, or the minhag of all the other
countries they colonised after gerush Sefard, when there were existing
communities with contrary minhagim?  What argument works for them and
not for the subsequent Ashkenazi mass immigrants? >>

The argument is that when the sefardim came there was no established
community in EY due to the crusades etc. So they could establish a new
minhag. However, when later the Ashkenazim came there was a
sefardi community and ROY's claim is that the Ashkenazim should have
followed the existing sefardi customs.  Obviously the talmidei hagra and
the chassidim didn't agree.

How far one goes back is part of a responsa by RMF that one who davens
"chassidic" can change to Ashkenaz but not the other way since the original
minhag was Asjkenaz and changed by the early chassidim. So according to RMF
the fact someonepnes great...grandather 10 generations ago davened in
nusach Ashkenaz has halachic meaning

As to minhag EY and minhag Yerushalayim most date back about 100 years ago
and a few to the days of takmidei hagra and the early chassidim. Almost
none to earlier than that.

The minhag of having a single drummer at a wedding in Jerusalem has mostly
been replaced by a single organ player that can simulate a whole orchestra.
Others claim that it holds only in the old city or that it was established
by the old yishuv some 100 years ago and they are not part of that community

One widespread minhag EY from the talmidei hagra and hasidim is not to wear
tefillin on chol hamoed. Even in this case I have heard of some olim who
put on tefillin after they return from shul.

One really ancient minhag in Yerushalayim refers to not leaving a corpse
overnight and so having funerals in the middle of the night.

Eli Turkel
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