[Avodah] Whether You Come to Talk to God, etc.

Alexander Seinfeld seinfeld at jsli.org
Sun Dec 30 09:44:16 PST 2018

> IMO one of the reasons why people talk in shul is because davening on
> Shabbos morning often takes a long time. If there are speeches, Me
> Shebeirachs, announcements, etc, then people get restless.

> Of couse there are other reasons why people talk as the article points
> out.

That's not why they talk. They talk because they saw their parents or
other adults talk. They learned that talking is perfectly acceptable. The
fact that the Shul has not followed the Mishna Berura and appointed
people to end the talking merely reinforces the talkers' understanding
that talking is OK.

It's like asking why people cheat on their taxes. They don't cheat
because they're greedy. We're all greedy. But the tax-cheaters don't
have a red line.

I admit sometimes the davvening is too long for me, and I get restless.
But I never talk.

And bli neder I won't davven in a shul where there are talkers, even if
it's the only shul in town. Ruins it for me.

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