[Avodah] Bircas Kohanim when when the Shaliach Tzibbur is a kohen

Akiva Miller akivagmiller at gmail.com
Tue Dec 25 03:08:38 PST 2018

On Areivim, R' Sheldon Liberman asked:

> I heard over Shabbos that in chutz l'aretz, during the chazzan's
> repetition at shacharis, if the chazzan is a kohen, then during
> bircas kohanim, there is an opinion that the tzibbur should
> answer "Amein" rather than "Kein y'hi ratzon".
> Has anyone heard this?

The critical words here are "there is an opinion".

It seems reasonable that somewhere in a vast library of seforim,
there might be a sefer that suggests such a thing.

Whether anyone actually does this is another matter entirely. I don't
remember ever hearing anyone actually do this.

I'd even argue against it. It makes about as much sense as if one
would answer "amen" during the third stanza of "Shalom Aleichem". In
both cases we are asking for a bracha, but in neither case have we
actually heard any bracha on which to answer "amen". (When we answer
"kein yehi ratzon", it means "please give us that bracha" and not "I
believe in that bracha which You gave".)

Akiva Miller

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