[Avodah] Rambam Hilchot Trumot

Isaac Balbin isaac at balb.in
Thu Dec 20 17:33:08 PST 2018

Date: Sun, 16 Dec 2018 21:13:33 +0200
From: Ben Waxman <ben1456 at zahav.net.il>

> The last halacha in the Rambam's Hilchot Truma states the anyone eating 
> trumah says an additional bracha (v'tzivanu l'achol truma). He adds that 
> "qibalnu v'ra'inu" people say this bracha even if they eat challa of 
> chutz l'aretz.

> Qibalnu I understand but what does the Rambam mean when says that "we've 
> seen people say this bracha on challa of chutz l'aretz"?

When R' Aron Soloveichik z"l was asked about the difference between the
Mesora of today and yesteryear he explained that in his generation,
whilst they certainly knew about the Mesora -- they had the level of
Kiblu MeRaboseinu -- theirs was accented and qualified by the mimetic
tradition which happens via seeing the Baal HaMesora -- Ra'inu --
performing Masoretic acts and decisions. He went on to explain that
though others were greater Talmidim of Moshe than Yehoshua, Yehoshua
was the one who was chosen to be the next link in the Mesora because he
was not just a good student of Torah, but because he did Shimush under
Moshe, and never left his side. In other words, his was not just Kibalnu
MeRoboseinu, but also Ra'inu and that is a qualitatively better version
of the next Baal HaMesora.

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