[Avodah] Longevity of Minhag haMakom

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Thu Oct 11 07:06:55 PDT 2018

On 11/10/18 04:20, Eli Turkel via Avodah wrote:
>> But does he even address the question of what right the SA, or his whole
>> Sefardi community, had to set minhag EY, or the minhag of all the other
>> countries they colonised after gerush Sefard, when there were existing
>> communities with contrary minhagim?  What argument works for them and
>> not for the subsequent Ashkenazi mass immigrants?
> The argument is that when the sefardim came there was no established 
> community in EY due to the crusades etc. So they could establish a new 
> minhag. However, when later the Ashkenazim came there was a 
> sefardi community

But this isn't the case.  After the crusades destroyed the original EY 
community with its minhagim, a new community was established by olim, 
who brought their mihagim with them from chu"l, and by the time the 
grushei Sefarad arrived there was already an established community.  And 
what about the rest of the Mediterranean, where there were 
thousand-year-old communities?  Leshitaso shouldn't the Sefardim who 
settled in each of those countries have adopted the local mihagim?

Zev Sero            A prosperous and healthy 5779 to all
zev at sero.name       Seek Jerusalem's peace; may all who love you prosper

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