[Avodah] Chanukah Party and Lighting the Menorah

Professor L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Fri Dec 7 11:21:41 PST 2018

Q. I will be traveling to New York from my home in New Jersey for a Chanukah party at my parents’ house and won’t be returning home until late at night. I have the following options: I can light at home at 4:00 PM (which is before sunset); I can appoint an agent (shliach) to light in my house for me at the proper time; I can light at my parents’ house; or I can light upon returning home late at night when there are no longer any passersby. What should I do?

A. The Mechaber rules that if one will not be able to light the Chanukah candles at the prescribed time, he may light them any time after Plag HaMincha (Shulchan Aruch OC 672:1). Plag HaMincha in the winter is approximately an hour before sunset. However, if one must leave immediately thereafter, it may not be advisable to leave candles unattended. The possibility of using an agent is questionable, since Mishnah Berurah (675:9) rules that when an agent lights for him, the person must stand next to the agent and hear him recite the brachos; obviously, this is not feasible in this case. The third possibility, lighting at one’s parents’ home, is not acceptable. One must light where he lives (i.e. the place where he eats and sleeps on a regular basis). Since he does not live in his parent’s home but is merely eating a meal there, he may not light there. One should follow the fourth option and light upon returning home. As noted in a previous Halacha Yomis, nowadays, the menorah is lit primarily for one’s family, and not to publicize the miracle to the public. Therefore, one may light even if it is late and there will be no passersby to see the menorah.

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