[Avodah] boruch shaim kavod malchuso lolam vaaed in shma

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Fri Dec 21 07:35:02 PST 2018

On 21/12/18 9:48 am, mcohen--- via Avodah wrote:
> One has to have kavanaas haperush when one says boruch shaim kavod 
> malchuso lolam vaaed
> How do you translate it. What does the word shaim mean.
> R jaeger in guidelines says - shaim here means revelation, and boruch 
> means increase.

I don't think this is perush hamilim. It's an additional facet that can 
add to the value of kavana, but is not required.

Another facet is that "baruch" can mean to extend, as in "hamavrich es 
hagefen", so a bracha represents bring the shefa from the higher worlds 
to this one.  An important thought, but one who doesn't have it in mind, 
or is even entirely unaware of it, has still said shma properly.

Also, sheim is not *just* how others see one; ones name is connected 
directly to ones essence, as we see from the fact that when someone has 
fainted we use their name to call them back.  But it is mostly used for 
others, just as malchus is how one relates to others, i.e. dibbur, 
shechina, reflecting what is going on inside one to the outside world, 
and yet it remains one of the essential attributes of a personality, and 
thus it is also one of the sefiros which those attributes reflect.

Zev Sero            A prosperous and healthy 5779 to all
zev at sero.name       Seek Jerusalem's peace; may all who love you prosper

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