[Avodah] Rambam Hilchot Trumot

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Mon Dec 17 09:09:38 PST 2018

On 16/12/18 3:56 pm, Micha Berger via Avodah wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 16, 2018 at 09:13:33PM +0200, Ben Waxman via Avodah wrote:
> : Qibalnu I understand but what does the Rambam mean when says that
> : "we've seen people say this bracha on challa of chutz l'aretz"?
> First thought, just to help the ball rolling.
> Teimanim give challah to kohanim who are qetanim.

I assume Sefardim also, though I don't know this for certain.  But the 
SA certainly says to do so, and only the Rema says the minhag is not to.

> They are allowed to eat challah, and as qetanim, the "only" problem
> with eating it whle tamei is chinukh. And should chinukh trump
> actually doing the mitzvah challah kehalakhah?
AFAIK it's got nothing to do with chinuch; the reason it's given to 
ketanim rather than gedolim is because they have never experienced 
tum'ah that comes from their own bodies.  It can also be given to an 
adult cohen who has been to the mikveh.

The Rema says this is not our minhag because since it's not eaten in EY 
there is no need for it to be eaten in chu"l.  Other acharonim suggest 
that it's because we have no cohanim meyuchasim, so we're not even 
certain this child is a cohen in the first place, or because we're 
worried that the child won't be careful with it and it'll get into 
people's food, or just that if it's not burned immediately it will 
somehow find its way to someone who shouldn't eat it.

> Challah of chu"l has leniencies challah in EY does not, despite both
> being deOraisa.

Chalah of chu"l is midrabanan.    (Nowadays even chalah of EY is 
midrabanan, but it has an ikkar min hatorah, whereas in chu"l it's 
entirely midrabanan.)

Zev Sero            A prosperous and healthy 5779 to all
zev at sero.name       Seek Jerusalem's peace; may all who love you prosper

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