[Avodah] To Whom Should One Pray At A Tzaddik's Kever?

Danny Schoemann doniels at gmail.com
Wed Aug 15 06:04:48 PDT 2018

I'm going to tackle these issues one by one, as I am trying to get to
clarity, and not to create a Megila-length post.

Part 1:

> : R' Micha Berger claimed:
> :> And in fact, asking a mal'akh is *more* problematic than asking the
> :> neshamah of a tzadiq. After all, when the same tzadiq was alive, asking
> :> him for a berakhah wouldn't have been an issue.

RDS: (me)
> : 1. What is your source for this? Talking to dead people ("asking the
> : neshamah of a tzadiq", no?) seems to be Doresh El Hameisim - one of the
> : 365 possible aveiros.

RMB responded:
> Only if you are using magic so that they can answer back, that's why it's
> in the pasuq with menasheish umechasheif and "ve'sho'eil ov veyid'oni
> vedoreish el hameizim".

I see that that's how the Rambam paskens and the SA (YD 179:13)
concurs. Didn't realize that, because of the Kitzur.

The Kitzur SA - which I'm more familiar with - in 128:13 says that
graveyards are conducive to having one's prayers answered because they
are a holy place (what?) since Tzadikim are buried there, and HKBH
will be kind to us in their merit.

BUT one shouldn't put one's hopes in those buried there as it closely
resembles Doresh El HaMeisim!!! rather one should pray to Hashem to
have mercy on us in their merit. (Sourced as OC 581: the Be'er Heitev
quotes the Maharil as saying that.)

So, now I have 2 questions, but not about your assertions :-)

1. Where does the Maharil get this "Chumra" from? Any ideas? The other
Rishonim seem to ignore this issue.

2. What's this business about cemeteries being Kodosh?

Kol Tuv

- Danny

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