[Avodah] tisha ba-av

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Mon Jul 16 12:59:59 PDT 2018

On Mon, Jul 16, 2018 at 05:05:54PM +0300, Eli Turkel via Avodah wrote:
: We have been taught that the essence of tisha baav is the destruction of
: the Temple(s). Nevertheless, Megilat Eicha barely has a mention of the
: destruction of the Temple.  The emphasis of Eicha is the destruction of the
: city of Jerusalem and the tragedy of its inhabitants...

: Even in the kinos there is not much on the physical destruction of the
: Temple and its effect on the people...

Well, if you include the effect on the people, I disagree. Starting with
Ahalah and Ahalivama.

Which brings me to what I think the essence of Tish'ah beAv. Not churban
bayis. In a sense, churban bayis wasn't tragic, as the whole point was to
make the point on eitzim va'avanim and avoid churban Benei Yisrael ch"v.

But the human cost as a consequence of churban bayis has been huge. And
as you note, that's exactly what we talk about. Not the loss of qorbanos,
but the loss of the consequent sheleimus and shalom we could have used
the BHMQ to develop.

Rather than seeing this as a question, I see it as a disproof of your


Micha Berger             Zion will be redeemed through justice,
micha at aishdas.org        and her returnees, through righteousness.
Fax: (270) 514-1507

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