[Avodah] How Many Days of Yom Tov Should One Observe in Israel?

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Tue Sep 25 20:16:16 PDT 2018

On 25/09/18 02:48, Ben Waxman via Avodah wrote:
> Something doesn't register about the RYBS story - Shavout first day can 
> be on  Friday night or Saturday night, it can't fall on Thursday night.

Not so.  Lo ADU Rosh, and Shavuos is one day earlier, so lo GHZ Shavuos. 
Therefore the first night can be on Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday
nights, but not on Monday, Wednesday, or Friday nights.

[Email #2. -micha]

On 23/09/18 14:31, Rabbi via Avodah wrote:
> While the Mahadura Basra of the Alter Rebbe's Shulchan Aruch paskins 
> like R' Yaakov Emdin (although for a different reason) and, as a result, 
> so does the Shaar HaKollel, the Previous (as well as the current) 
> Lubavitcher Rebbe said that one shouldn't Paskin like the Mahadura Basra 
> and R' Yaakov Emdin.

If there were a specific hora'ah from either the previous or last LR on 
this, then all L rabbonim would follow it.  But to the best of my 
knowledge while there were various comments over the years that could be 
interpreted as expressing the view that the practical halacha doesn't 
follow the Alter Rebbe's psak in that se'if (and other comments that 
could be interpreted the other way), there was never anything explicit 
on the subject, which is why many L rabbonim began paskening this way.

> Practically, there is no consensus Psak among Lubavitch Rabbonim, and 
> different Rabbonim Paskin differently.

This is true.  To the best of my knowledge until the early 5730s the 
majority of L rabbonim followed the general psak that someone who 
intends to return home keeps yomtov like the place he's from, and they 
either were unaware of this psak (since it's not in hilchos yomtov where 
one would expect to look), or considered the fact that it's in 
parentheses to indicate that the Alter Rebbe was unsure of it, so it 
shouldn't be relied on.  But AIUI over the course of the 5730s many L 
rabbonim came to the view that this is an explicit psak that L ought to 
follow, and this became the majority view.

There are certainly still prominent L rabbonim who disagree, and will 
pasken differently if you ask them.  The first time I spent yomtov in 
EY, the late R Zev Dov Slonim, the rav of Central J'm, asked me how many 
days I was keeping, and when I said "one" he didn't say anything but 
gave a twitch with his nose from which I concluded that had I asked him 
to pasken for me he would have told me to keep two days.

Zev Sero            A prosperous and healthy 5779 to all
zev at sero.name       Seek Jerusalem's peace; may all who love you prosper

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