[Avodah] Abortion - Rav Asher Weiss

Michael Poppers michaelpoppers at gmail.com
Tue Sep 18 07:14:34 PDT 2018

In Avodah V36n99, R'Micha wrote
> After all, the fetus
> has a potential of future shemiras Shabbos even if it didn't yet
> become a person. <
When do we consider potential (as opposed to actual) in Halacha?  From what
little I understand, the Halachic conception of an unborn fetus (at least,
past a certain #days threshold, e.g. 40) as nearly a human being (viz. FN2
at http://www.aish.com/ci/sam/48954946.html) is unique, so perhaps RAW is
saying that any Halachic mandate which applies to a human being can be
applied to a fetus....
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