[Avodah] Slichos without a minyan before midnight

Prof. Levine larry62341 at optonline.net
Wed Sep 5 06:36:38 PDT 2018

At 08:09 AM 9/5/2018, M Cohen wrote:
>YL.. I personally do not understand where the custom to say the first
>Slichos at night came from.
>The loshon of the pizmon "b'moztei menucha.." is certainly mashma that
>slichos was said sat night

The minyan I davened at that started selichos at 5:10 am on Sunday 
morning changed the language and did not say b'moztei menucha.."   I 
do not recall what the shelach Tzebor said.  Do we know what the 
original Nusach was?  It may have been changed when people started to 
say the first selichos at night.

>(but waiting till after chatzos bc of Eis Ratzon etc)

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