[Avodah] Would Rashi Have Been a Democrat?
Micha Berger
micha at aishdas.org
Sat Aug 18 20:30:47 PDT 2018
On Fri, Aug 17, 2018 at 05:19:54PM -0400, Zev Sero via Avodah wrote:
:> The Rambam says that vehalakhta bidrakhav applies. And that darkei shalom
:> applies. Neither are small issues -- imitating the Borei is one way at
:> looking at our tachlis in life, and nothing accepts berakhah like shalom.
: If that were so it would be a mitzvah, not a mere heter for
: something that otherwise we would assume to be assur. And there
: would be sechar for the donor.
When I was in 6th or 7th grade, our rebbe asked how it was possible for
Re'uvein to have dragged a bed from one tent to another, with just one
hand and one leg?
The answer: Who ever said Re'uvein only had one leg and one hand?
Where do you see the Rambam speaks of just a mere heter? First, as you
note, that doesn't fit his besing his pesaq in vehalakhta bidrakhav.
That's not a question, it's an argument against your assumption. (The
point rebbe was trying to teach us how to notice.)
But look at the Rambam's wording -- it's lekhat-chilah phrasing:
Afilu aku"m tzivu chakhamim
levaqei choleihem
veliqbor meiseihem im meisei Yisrael
ulfarneis aniyeihem bikhlal aniyei Yisrael
mipenei darkei Shalom.
"Tzivu chakhamim" isn't "mere heter". And then he says this is because
"tov Hashem lakol" and "Derkhaha darkhei no'am".
(Thus closing his discussion of halakhos about our relating to non-Jews,
the next pereq opening his discussion of the moshiach.)
Gut Voch!
Micha Berger It's never too late
micha at aishdas.org to become the person
http://www.aishdas.org you might have been.
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