[Avodah] To Whom Should One Pray At A Tzaddik's Kever?

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Mon Aug 13 14:34:18 PDT 2018

On 13/08/18 16:45, Prof. Levine via Avodah wrote:

>   "#2 Maybe it should say that we ask the Rebbe to intercede on our 
> behalf so people don't think we are davening to the Rebbe."
> Can a dead person actually intercede on anyone's behalf?

Yes, they can.  There can be no question of it.  Our traditions 
absolutely insist on it, and anyone who denies it has a serious problem. 
  Not only did Yirmiyahu write that Rachel intercedes for us, but he 
personally went to Chevron and to Mt Nevo to ask the Avos and Moshe 
Rabbenu to intercede for their people.

Those who object to *asking* for such intercession do so not because 
they deny that it is possible or that we need it, but because they 
believe the Torah forbids such requests.  The dead, presumably, are to 
be merely alerted to the situation and then they can decide whether to 
intervene without being asked.

> "#4  replying to #2, No one thinks we are praying to the Rebbe. The only 
> people saying such are misnagdim belittling a custom that the Gra 
> himself endorses, not to mention backed by numerous sources in Tanach. "
> Who do they think they are writing letters to if not RMMS? And who do 
> they think will give them advice as it says if not RMMS?

Nobody denies that they are writing to him, and asking his advice, 
prayers, and intervention.  Commenter #4 merely says they are not 
"praying" to him.   That, of course, depends on what one means by the 
English word "pray".

> And does the GRA himself really endorse this "custom"?

No, I don't believe the commenter is correct on that point.

> Be real.  The video certainly makes it seem that RMMS is the one who 
> will answer.

Yes.  Got a problem with that?  R Eliezer b"r Shimon answered people's 
questions and adjudicated their disputes for about two decades after his 
death.  You've quoted RAM as saying that there are enough difficult 
things we're required to believe, and there's no need to add more. 
Well, that is something you are required to believe. And if you do, then 
you should have no problem with the idea that the LR may also be able to 
communicate with people, albeit not in so blatant a fashion as REbrSh did.

Zev Sero            A prosperous and healthy 5779 to all
zev at sero.name       Seek Jerusalem's peace; may all who love you prosper

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