[Avodah] Extending restrictions of 9 days

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Wed Jul 18 09:50:36 PDT 2018

On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 04:35:14PM +0100, allan.engel at gmail.com wrote:
: The Rambam at the source quoted says unambiguously Ein Simcha Elah
: BaBasar/Yayin. I'm not sure what greater correlation between simcha and
: meat/wine you could wish for.

Saying that simchah requires basar veyayin doesn't mean that a lack of
simchah requires omitting basar veyayin. Or more significantly, that
this particular level of aveilus has that requirement.

(Also, saying that basar veyahin are necessary for simchah doesn't mean
they are sufficient for it. So YT  would need need BvY for simchas YT, but
even with BvY we could still avoid simchah at this time of year. We do
create a somber mood in other ways. But getting back to the previous

As proof, an example I mentioned already -- shiv'ah for a parent. Basar
veyayin are allowed. In fact, I would be surprised if 9 beAv mandated
a greater distancing from simchah than shiv'ah. Not ruling out the
possibility, but surprised.

It would make 9 beAv more like aninus, except without the peturim from
other mitzvos asei caused by the chiyuv of qevurah.

So, I would want a maqor for specifically the question RAM asked -- who
are the posqim who say that our 9 days (or shevu'ah shechal bo) diet
is to avoid simchah?


Micha Berger             Zion will be redeemed through justice,
micha at aishdas.org        and her returnees, through righteousness.
Fax: (270) 514-1507

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