Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Tue Jul 3 16:36:20 PDT 2018

On Tue, Jul 03, 2018 at 04:51:41PM -0400, H Lampel wrote:
: I have not really studied Strauss. But in almost every description of the
: Strausian approach I've seen, the Rambam, to avoid persecution, secretly
: believed in Aristotelian eternity, a belief the Rambam vociferously fought
: against as heretical, one that would undermine the entire Torah...

The way I understood estoricism is that Strauss believed the Rambam had
beliefs that the masses would consider heretical, and therefore he hid
them. Not that the Rambam himself thought he was being a heretic, or
that his position was inconsistent with Chazal's.

So, why couldn't he believe Chazal were hiding the same truths from
/their/ uneducated contemporaries?

:>    ... Although how the donkey could reach the level of knowledge the
:> Rambam would say would be necessary to experience a seikhel nivdal like
:> the mal'akh is beyond me. Leshitaso, was that the big neis?

: L'fi HaRambam, the entire episode was Bilaam's vision. He saw this
: story, including the donkey's seeing the angel and speaking to Bilaam
: [which was actually happening in the spiritual world, as you explain]
: being played out, meant to teach him the lessons he was meant to learn.
: This is how Abarbanel (on MN 2:42) explains the entire episode of the
: angels visiting Avraham, Sarai being in the tent and preparing food, etc.

Yes, that's who I cited.

But my problem stands. Bil'am saw a real event, and therefore he saw his
donkey having a real exchange with an angel. No problems with Bil'am's
witnessing the exchange, but I don't understand how the Rambam explains
that exchange itself.

However, the Rambam believes that nevu'ah comes from knowledge, and the
consequent connection to haSeikhel haPo'al / the Active Intellect. How
could the donkey have that exchange?

: As I wrote,
: >     The Rambam is explicitly speaking of contradicting /premises/ used
: >     to give evidence for a point, not contradicting /points/. ...
: In their Hebrew translations, Ibn Tibbon, Shem Tob, Efodi, as well as KPCH
: speak of contradicting hakdamos. Pines accordingly speaks of contradicting
: premises. Friedlander, however, speaks of contradicting solutions: "on
: one occasion the object which the author has in view may demand that
: the metaphysical problem be ‎treated as solved in one way, it may be
: convenient on another occasion to treat it as solved in the opposite‎way."

CC-ing RSM. Here's a link to the original.
(Page 22 of the pdf, page 11 of the book, the 7th reason starts on
line 7.)

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger             Life isn't about finding yourself.
micha at aishdas.org        Life is about creating yourself.
http://www.aishdas.org            - George Bernard Shaw
Fax: (270) 514-1507

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