[Avodah] Kise'irim Alei Deshe

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Mon Sep 17 07:25:42 PDT 2018

In the second pasuq of the parashah (32:2) Moshe compares the intent of
his words "kise'irim alei-deshe, vekhirvivim alei-eisev".

So, I haven't fully researched what kinds of rain se'irim and revivim
refer to. Although se'irim is taken by meforshim in opposite directions
-- thin hairlike rain, in contrast to the heavy rain of revivim (think
"revava"). And so, the fine grass of deshe gets light rain, and the
strong grasses get the greater rain they need. Others take se'irim to
be heavy devistating rain -- think se'irim with a samekh, or goats.

But there are two other uses of this pair that hint there is something
fundamental in Tanakh imagery going on here. A little later, 33:2,
the second pasuq of the *next* parashah, Moshe Rabbeinu refers to locations
by these names:
	Hashem miSinai ba
	vezarach meSei'ir lamo
	hofia` meiHar Paran
	ve'Asa meiRivevos Qodesh
(And just because I have to nod to the end of the pasuq: "... miymino
AishDas lamo".)

But the second and fourth locations associate with revelation are Sei'ir
and Rivevos-Qodesh. Coincidence?

And then, jumping way forward in Tanakh, there is the line we quote in
the Hagadah from Yechezqeil 16:7, "REVAVAH ketzemach hasadeh nesatikh...
uSE'AReikh tzimeiach..." And "kemetzach hasadeh" sounds like a reference
along the lines of the deshe and eisev of our pasuq.

No ideas what to make of it, though...


Micha Berger             We look forward to the time
micha at aishdas.org        when the power to love
http://www.aishdas.org   will replace the love of power.
Fax: (270) 514-1507                - William Ewart Gladstone

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