[Avodah] Negel Vasser, Practical Application

Professor L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Thu Sep 6 06:08:11 PDT 2018

>From yesterday's OU Kosher Halacha Yomis

Q. In the previous Halacha Yomis, we listed three explanations as to why we wash netilas yadayim upon waking in the morning. What are the practical differences between these three opinions?


  1.  If one slept while wearing gloves: According to Rosh, there is no reason to wash his hands since they did not become dirty. In contrast, Rashba and Shulchan Aruch hold they must be washed regardless of the hand covering: according to Rashba one must sanctify himself each morning anew, and according to Mechaber the ru’ach ra’ah must be removed (see Be’ur Halachah s.v. Im Hayah).
  2.  If one woke up in the middle of the night, washed his hands and does not go back to sleep: Rosh and Mechaber would hold there is no need to wash his hands again when morning dawns; according to Rosh they have not become dirty, and according to Mechaber the ru’ach ra’ah has already been removed. However, Rashba would hold that he is required to wash, as he must sanctify himself when morning dawns (Be’ur Halachah s.v. kol halaylah).
  3.  Does one need to use a cup for negel vasser? According to Rosh, the obligation stems from the need to clean the hands; thus, there is no need for a cup. However, according to Rashba it is proper to use a cup: Rashba holds negel vasser is akin to a Kohen sanctifying himself from the Kiyor (a large water vessel in the Mikdash), and according to the Mechaber, the water must be poured, but it need not be from a cup. (see Mishnah Berurah 4:17).

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