[Avodah] Question on video Can I Drink Kosher Coffee from an Uncertified Restaurant?

Professor L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Fri Jul 27 05:52:50 PDT 2018

Rabbi Moshe Elefant says towards the end of the video

at https://goo.gl/yPrU

that if one found a fleishig utensil in a dairy dishwasher "It would be a catastrophe."  I do not understand why this would be the case.

If one meat fork, knife or spoon would be washed with dairy utensils,  I would think that that meat fork or spoon or knife would be treif and would need to be kashered.  However,  I find the implication that all of the dairy utensils in the dairy dishwasher would be treif hard to understand.  Wouldn't bitul apply here, and the dairy utensils would be OK?  And, if so,  is having to kasher one fork, spoon or knife really a catastrophe?



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