[Avodah] Eretz Yisroel, Zionism, and Medinas Yisroel in the Philosophy of RSRH

Ben Waxman ben1456 at zahav.net.il
Thu Jun 7 21:17:05 PDT 2018

RSH's third objection to Rav Kalisher is the key one (RSH couldn't 
imagine that non-religious Jews could be the vehicle for redemption). 
Once you say that "I can't imagine. . . " than everything else has to 
fit into that paradigm that you just set up for yourself.

The author's conclusions are also strange. To mention all the benefits 
and great things that have come from the state but to still look at it 
as if it is a treif piece of meat boggles my mind. I would also add that 
if someone really believes that "We must do whatever is possible to 
further Mitzvot observance and prevent desecration of the Holy Land" - 
he should move here. Like I always tell my Reform Jewish friends - If 
you move here, you get a vote which is 10,000 times (at least) more 
important than Facebook posts.


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