[Avodah] Kneidlach - what the ShA HaRav actually says

Isaac Balbin isaac at balb.in
Sat Apr 7 21:15:47 PDT 2018

On Thu, 5 Apr 2018 16:46:31 +1000 "Rabbi Meir G. Rabi" <meirabi at gmail.com>
> So there we have it -- if you dont wish to eat Gebrochts because your
> parents etc did not -- then enjoy Pesach [if Pesach can be enjoyed w/o
> Kneidlach] but if you are concerned about Halacha -- then eat Kneidlach and
> enjoy Pesach

Is RMG Rabi's post on Gebrokts consonant with the comment of the Mishna
Brura. The Chafetz Chaim stated that even though one may have doubts as
to the Halachic imperative of being careful (yes, perhaps needlessly)
about Matza Shruya, nevertheless,

"one should not be MAZNIACH [translate as you will] those who have
this Chumra"

In particular, it seems to me that the practice of actually keeping
Shruya is very much in line with many other Chumras that people have.
Consider Garlic on Pesach, for example. I would posit that today the
chance of garlic inducing Chametz is akin to itinerant matza flour being
present on a baked Matza. Nonetheless, those who have this Chumra, keep
it. They keep it because of the Minhag to be Machmir on Pesach! That
Minhag, by its nature is concerned with the infinitessimal.
There are many other examples. The Belzer don't eat carrots because of
a Chametz incident. They were Machmir from then on. Lubavitchers has an
incident with sugar and were Machmir from then on to pre-cook it.

Halacha on Pesach does admit the concept of remote Chumras! Yes, for
those who look at things from a non Pesach purist halachic view, may
well scratch their heads. Nonetheless, the Chafets Chaim taught us that
we should not be Mazniach.

The idea that Pesach cannot be enjoyed without Kneidlach is fanciful,
and not directly born out by plain Halacha. The Halacha specifies
Meat and Wine as primary inputs from Gashmiyus food that give rise to
happiness. Yes, B'Sar Shlomim (not chicken) and wine (good enough for
Nisuch Hamizbeach?)

To state "if you are CONCERNED about Halacha... eat Kneidlach" is perhaps
a worse actualisation than "Mazniach" as it implies that such people
are acting in perhaps some antinomian-like chassidic voodoo practice. [
One can argue quite cogently, for example, that wearing a Gartel today
is also "not in line with the Halacha". (We wear underpants!) We do not,
however, dismiss such practices.

[On Shruya see also Gilyoney Hashas from Rav Yosef Engel Psachim 40b]]

The Ari z'l stated that he would never 'talk against' a minhag
yisrael/chumra on Pesach.

In summary, and I've felt that RMG Rabi, Halacha is not a pure science
which leads to a true/false conclusion for every question that is
investigated using the rules of the Halacha.

Admission: My father a'h had the Minhag from his family (likely via
Amshinover fealty) not to eat Gebrokts. This is Toras Imecha for me,
especially on Pesach, and whilst I know that in general this practice is
unique to families who follow the minhogim of the Talmidei HaBaal Shem,
and is most minor, I state quite openly that deciding NOT to follow a
family minhag/chumra on Pesach would be FAR more upsetting and disturbing
to me than not eating Kneidlach. I'm happy to wait for the last day,
and for the record, I am not a fan of them, despite my wife being a
superlative cook.

Postscript: Is anyone concerned about the Kulos in our day, where they
essentially dismiss the Maaris Ayin concern, and make pseudo bread and
pseudo bread products? The fashionable Pesach retreats and cruises are
quite good (I'm told) at serving up 'eggs on toast' in the morning, or a
"hot dog roll".

"It is only the anticipation of redemption that preserves Judaism in
Exile, while Judaism in the Land of Israel is the redemption itself."
Rabbi A.I. Hacohen Kook

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