[Avodah] The uniqueness of Moshe's nevua

Ben Waxman ben1456 at zahav.net.il
Wed Jun 13 12:29:17 PDT 2018

Perhaps there are several aspects of nevuah. One is the hearing, which 
Moshe did better. Another is the experience itself.  Here, it doesn't 
matter if Moshe's experience was "better" than Aaron's and in fact the 
word better doesn't apply. Aaron experienced this totality called nevuah 
and he did it his way. After doing that, he isn't the same person, or 
the same cohen.

The same would apply to the hundreds of thousands of people who 
experienced nevuah but didn't have anything recorded. They became 
different people, and their avodat Hashem was completely upgraded as a 
result of the experience.


On 6/3/2018 9:42 AM, Marty Bluke via Avodah wrote:
> Did Aharon hear the nevua clearly like Moshe? If not, then what was 
> the point and what does it mean that Hashem spoke to both? 

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