[Avodah] Swordfish

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Wed Apr 25 14:37:12 PDT 2018

On 25/04/18 17:03, Micha Berger via Avodah wrote:
> But I don't understand the basic content. The CLJS permitted swordfish
> because while the adult does not have scales, it starts out with
> scaled. No one is questioning the quality of the scales when the fish is
> young (AFAIK), or the lack of scales on adult fish. (Wiki: Swordfish are
> elongated, round-bodied, and lose all teeth and scales by adulthood.)
> So how this sample of swordfish scales prove kashrus? The question
> seems to be whether a fish needs to keep its scales for it to qualify
> as qashqeshes, not what kind of scales swordfish has.

There can be no question that a fish does *not* have to keep its scales 
to remain kosher.  The posuk says fish only have to have their scales in 
the water, not when they leave the water.  A fish that sheds its scales 
when caught is kosher, and no rabbi has the right to say otherwise. 
And I don't see a difference between shedding when caught and shedding 
on reaching adulthood.

As I understand R Tendler's claim, it was that swordfish never have true 
scales, that even the ones they have as juveniles are not kaskasim.  And 
this seems not to be true.

BTW R Ari G and R Ari Z dispute the claim that adults swordfish (or 
landed swordfish) lose all their scales.  They claim that this is the 
result of not examining adult landed fish closely enough, and that if 
one does one finds kosher scales still attached to the skin.

Zev Sero            A prosperous and healthy 2018 to all
zev at sero.name       Seek Jerusalem's peace; may all who love you prosper

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