[Avodah] The Vilna Gaon and Secular Studies

D Rubin dcr.man at hotmail.co.uk
Tue Apr 10 04:29:37 PDT 2018

It's not only the lack of secular education (that R' Yitschok Levine
refers to) or knowledge to interact with the secular world (that
R. Hirsch z"l is reported to have referred to) that is the problem;
it's the abysmal standard of the education they do receive, the overall
intellectual integrity, and their attitude to anything scientific.

Leaving English aside (G-d forbid they should be able to pick up a
secular book and actually understand it!), the mathematics they're taught
(in which [some of] the amoro'im, ge'onim, rishonim, acharonim were
tremendously proficient) at their last school year [12/13 yr olds!] is
at a level of 8/9 yr olds at best! Biology, which could so help them in
their study of Chullin is [virtually?] non-existent.

As far as i recall, the Munkatche Rebbe [frequently?] visited the Natural
History Museum when he could. There is such a terrific gap in some of
our children's education that it's hard to believe it's not going to be
detrimental in some way to their development.

[I know I'm spouting to the 'converted', but thanks for the opportunity
to at least voice my concerns somewhere.]

Dovid Rubin

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