[Avodah] Kintiyot derivatives

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Tue Apr 3 08:00:30 PDT 2018

On Mon, Apr 02, 2018 at 06:12:23AM +0200, Ben Waxman wrote:
: On 3/27/2018 5:32 AM, Micha Berger wrote:
:> I think there aren't, for Arevimishe reasons. A hekhsher can't split the
:> lines to fine, or it becomes unusable...
:> The hekhsher system creates least-common-denominator norms like that
:> in a number of ways.

: I was thinking about this. I thought of two exceptions...

I think what I said is really particular to the US, or maybe chu"l as
a whole. Where people who keep kosher will suffer with less, and people
who don't won't care what has a hekhsher and what doesn't. Few people
will make a less observant choice if an Amerucan hekhsher chooses to be
more machmir than their own minhagim require.

Non-Mehardin rabbanut has a strong motive away from least common
denominator. They have a responsibility to a large population that will
buy with a hekhsher IFF and only if the sacrifice is not too onerous.

: 1) Some chocolates state that they are kosher for everyone, but that
: they contain lecithin  (leftit). I consider this the exception that
: proves the rule because so many poskim consider it to be OK in any
: case that stating that a chocolate contain lecithin is basically
: stating that it contains a non-kitniyot product.

I recall the marshmallows sold in the US with a long explanation as
to why the mei qitniyos they contain are a non-issue. Tha candy with a
teshuvah on every wrapper. (Even better than Laffy Taffy or Bazooka
Joe!) Unfortunately, they all have the same one.

Pretty much the same thing. But didn't work in the US in the long
run, as the rightward drift continued.


Micha Berger             Today is the 3rd day
micha at aishdas.org        in/toward the omer.
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