[Avodah] neural networks and halacha

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Thu Jan 4 08:31:20 PST 2018

On Thu, Jan 04, 2018 at 05:18:55AM +0000, Rich, Joel via Avodah wrote:
: Will neural networks and deep learning be used to develop an
: A.I. halachic intuition? If you think not, why not? What about if neural
: networks that learn to explain themselves? Should they be used as an
: adjunct by poskim?

I don't think so, because halakhah is hard to convert into the kind
of inputs amenable to neural nets. But I've been surprised before,
and besides... tech forecasting is kind of off-topic for this vanue.

However, you couldn't have an AI poseiq for the same reasons we've been
debating about women as posqos -- there is more to something qualifying
as hora'ah than the quality of the sevara.

As a tool for suggesting sevaros for a rav to consider? Could they? Should
they? Depends how good they end up being. I don't see this as a Torah
question as much as a pragmatic one. Should a poseiq utilize YU's or
JTS's library? A search engine? Same thing, no?

Forecast for the next Sanhedrin: They will allow use of AI on dinei
nefashos only if the AI includes a filter such that only sevaros lehaqeil
are let through. Much the way a dayan can only change their mind and
deliberate to convincing others of a new position (they can change their
mind for the vote) when going from chatav to patur.

Malkos too, they seem to be subsumed under DN in this context. For example
the AhS that this rule would not apply to dinei mamunus because what is
lehaqeil for one party is lehachmir for another. Never mentions malkos, but
that sevara would place malkos with DN.

(Can you guess where I'm up to in AhS yomi?)

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger             Rescue me from the desire to win every
micha at aishdas.org        argument and to always be right.
http://www.aishdas.org              - Rav Nassan of Breslav
Fax: (270) 514-1507                   Likutei Tefilos 94:964

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