[Avodah] Tefilin On Chol hamoed In Eretz Yisroel (and Flatbush)
Micha Berger
micha at aishdas.org
Thu Mar 29 09:26:15 PDT 2018
On Thu, Mar 29, 2018 at 03:04:02PM +0000, Professor L. Levine via Avodah wrote:
: Please see the discussions at
: https://goo.gl/1PYXP4
: One comment is
: Many people wear tefillin on chol hamoed in Eretz Yisroel, including some gedolim. However, some do it betzinoh so it is not so well known.
Three communities comprised the core of the Yishuva haYashan --
Sepharadim, Chabad and Talmidei haGra. Like most practices that all
three share, a lack of tefillin on ch"m thereby becam minhag EY.
They do it betzin'ah because violating minhag hamaqom is very difficult.
Like an Israeli in chu"l on YT sheini shel golios.
: One such godol is the Erlau'er Rebbe...
Not betzin'ah. Also, some of the KAJ community.
But really, a miuta demiuta. This is just another case of others having a
machloqes that differs from yours, and you championing one side rather than
accepting nahara nahara upashteih.
The Gra cites two sources: The Zohar (Shir haShirim daf 8) and a Behag
that the AhS (OC 31:4) notes isn't in our edition. And RMF (IM OC 5:24.7)
says that the Gra wasn't basing his pesaq on those two sources as much
as their being no ground to permit misvara.
The Rama (31:2) does obligate BUT with misgivings. He says both one
should make the berakhah quietly and that one should not make a berakhah
at all. The Taz notes the contradiction. But either justify my saying
"with misgivings".
The Behag carries such weight in Ashkenazi pesaq, that it is unsurprising
that not all Ashkenazim hold like the Rama on this.
As for me, I can honestly say there will be no tefillin on my left arm
this ch"m. <grin>
Tir'u baTov!
Micha Berger "I hear, then I forget; I see, then I remember;
micha at aishdas.org I do, then I understand." - Confucius
http://www.aishdas.org "Hearing doesn't compare to seeing." - Mechilta
Fax: (270) 514-1507 "We will do and we will listen." - Israelites
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