[Avodah] The Besht

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Thu Mar 15 09:49:20 PDT 2018

On Thu, Feb 22, 2018 at 11:59:50PM +0200, Ben Waxman via Avodah wrote:
: B"H these rabbanim disagree. Having unity of thought would (amongst
: other things) make the Torah quite boring. The differences make it
: quite fun (amongst other things).

I used to think that "chanokh lenaar al pi darko" referred to students
having different learning styles. However, ont of the chevrah pointed
out that that doesn't fit the seifa of the pasuq (Mishlei 22:6):
"... qam ki yazqin, lo yasur mimenahh" (mapiq hei). So, this "derekh"
is something we don't want this person to leave even when they get old.

Which is something other than the personal way they need to be established
(/ch-n-kh/) to begin with. Important point, but not our pasuq's.

It seems the pasuq is saying that your child should be taught on approach
to Torah that works for them, EVEN IF IT IS NOT YOURS. Our goal in chinukh
should be to produce ovedei Hashem, regardless of which O submovement
they will end up gravitating toward.

And as I've noted a few times on Areivim, without spelling out the above
justification for invoking "al pi darko", much of the OTD rate is due to
the height of the walls we have between O communities. So one kid leaves
what feels to him like a compromised, watered down, Judaism, and perhaps
had his MO parents would have considered a yeshivish option, they would
have stayed observant yerei E-lokim. Or the kid unimpressed with legalism,
who would have used more of chassidus's expriential style. Or the chareidi
youngster who left because he felt sufficated and force into a role he
wasn't made for, perhaps MO would have been a better fit.

Unity of thought stam doesn't work.

This is why we talk not only of 70 panim laTorah but even 60 ribo osios.
Every home (Bamidbar's counts are of 600k potential householders, but
maybe it means every individual) has its own derekh.

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger             Every child comes with the message
micha at aishdas.org        that God is not yet discouraged with
http://www.aishdas.org   humanity.
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