[Avodah] Let's Talk a Bit About Hashem

Akiva Miller akivagmiller at gmail.com
Wed Jan 31 17:42:38 PST 2018

Interesting article from R' Gidon Rothstein. He didn't phrase it quite this
blatantly, but I sense a suggestion that Creation *doesn't* obligate us to
obey Hashem, and that bothers me. So I'd like to propose an idea, and y'all
can weigh in on whether it is compatible with RDR and his sources.

As I see it, the Law of Lo Tignov is just as obligatory as the Law of
Gravity; it's just that the effects of one are more immediate and obvious
than the other. Phrased differently, we are all obligated to obey these
laws, and this obligation exists even if we don't accept it, and even if we
don't even recognize it. These laws apply to all of G-d's creations.

But there is another group of laws, those given to Bnei Yisrael. These are
the ones that we accepted at Yetzias Mitzrayim.

The outside world views the Ten Commandments as universal, and maybe that's
why we are surprised to the first one talking about the Exodus rather than
Creation. But if we view the Aseres Hadibros as speaking to Israel - and
especially if we view those ten as categories for the 613 - then it makes
sense for the first one to be explaining that, "I did for you, and this is
your side of the agreement."

Akiva Miller
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