[Avodah] Haetz and Shehecheyanu

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Tue Jan 30 09:52:02 PST 2018

On Tue, Jan 30, 2018 at 09:18:27AM -0500, Akiva Miller via Avodah wrote:
: Today's Halacha Yomis from the OU says:
:> Mishna Berura (225:11) writes that ...
:>                           alternatively, one can recite *Ha'eitz*, take a
:> bite and then after swallowing the first bite recite *Shehechiyanu*.
:> However it is best not to say *Shehechiyanu* immediately after *Ha'eitz*,
:> as this would cause a *hefsek* (break) between the recitation of the
:> *bracha* on the fruit and eating the fruit.

I don't know why not use a much simpler workaround, but since the MB
didn't suggest it, I assume there is a problem.

Grapes are ha'eitz, and because they're at the first of the 7 minim they
have priority over any other fruit you might be making ha'eitz on. So,
why not make ha'eitz on some grapes, having in mind the shehechiyanu
fruit, and only make a sheha

: My question: Why is this different than the Shehecheyanu on YomTov?...

AhS OC 225:1: shehechiyanu on YT (including Chanukah or Purim) is chiyuv,
on a fruit or anything else that that is not tied to a calendar date
is reshus.
Se'if 6 says that the iqar shehechiyanu for a fruit is for re'iyah,
seeing that the new season has fruit, and we are only nohagim to wait
for akhilah.
And *I assume* it's the fact that the whole shehechiyanu is reshus that
allows us to delay it until eating.

But both would argue that of the two, it would would be *easier* to deem
the shehechiyanu on the fruit less necessarily part of eating a fruit,
and thus more naturally considered a hefseiq.

He doesn't mention the question.

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger             Here is the test to find whether your mission
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