[Avodah] Should One Go To Shul Today?

Micha Berger micha at aishdas.org
Sun Jan 21 18:03:43 PST 2018

On Thu, Jan 11, 2018 at 11:57:44AM -0500, Akiva Miller via Avodah wrote:
: Mishna Brura 90:52 says:
: "See the previous seif katan, and someone sitting at home has the
: halacha of going out of his way. Therefore, one who lives in a
: settlement, within a mil of where they pray with ten, he has to go
: there every day in the morning to pray with ten. But not in the
: evening, because one does not have to go on the road at night for the
: sake of minyan. And this se'if is an open rebuke to those men who are
: in the city and are too lazy to go to shul to daven mincha/maariv."
: Why does the MB make an exception for "the evening, because one does
: not have to go on the road at night for the sake of minyan"?...

Since his evening is about a minchah-maariv pair, perhaps his concern
is tefilah betzibur for minchah? How can you use this MB to derive anything
about maariv betzibur?

: I would also note that the above is the MB. The Aruch Hashulchan 90:20
: writes: "One who lives in a yishuv/settlement, within a mil of a place
: where they pray with ten, is obligated to go, every day, morning and
: evening, to pray b'tzibur." The AhS seems to be stricter in two ways...

But also, since there are only two possible trips to shul, RYME is also
writing about how far to travel to a minchah-maariv pair. For which
minchah alone would be sufficient motive. It says nothing about maariv.

Tir'u baTov!

Micha Berger             One who kills his inclination is as though he
micha at aishdas.org        brought an offering. But to bring an offering,
http://www.aishdas.org   you must know where to slaughter and what
Fax: (270) 514-1507      parts to offer.        - R' Simcha Zissel Ziv

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