[Avodah] Fwd: Vegetarian Restaurants - Halacha or What

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Wed Jan 24 18:37:09 PST 2018

On 24/01/18 17:22, Rabbi Meir G. Rabi via Avodah wrote:

> R Chaim Tatel, who served as Mashgiach for two (dairy) vegetarian 
> restaurants for many years, assures us that staff would TRY [emphasis 
> mine] to bring their own food and cook it in the Kosher utensils.
> He assures us that one restaurants lost their certificate due to this.
> Two points,
> - the threat of losing certification is REAL
> - the workers tried nonetheless
> - so we are supposed to believe that in spite of the owner being aware 
> that he may lose his certificate and warned his staff and a Mashgiach 
> was ever-present and vigilant- they nevertheless continued to defy their 
> boss, risk losing their jobs and harm the restaurant ... needs a rather 
> large dose of salt.

It should not be surprising at all that people try to get away with 
things they've been told not to do.  The workers don't understand that 
it's a serious offence.  They think the rabbi won't find out, and that 
even if he does find out nothing will happen to them.

But that's all with reference to certified places.  The topic we're 
discussing is *non*-certified vegan places, and at them there is 
*nothing* preventing workers from cooking their meat in the restaurant's 
equipment, and it is *standard practice* in the industry for them to do 

> But at least it is testimony unlike another response made as though
> the statement itself creates reality; made by an outside distant
> observer trying to defend the indefensible with fantastic speculations
> presented as facts 

Someone may be fantasising, but it's not me.  My information comes from 
very reliable sources who know exactly what is happening.  The plain 
fact is that all butchers and all meat establishments under Kosher 
Australia have full time supervision, *plus* layers of nichnas v‎yotse.

Zev Sero            A prosperous and healthy 2018 to all
zev at sero.name       Seek Jerusalem's peace; may all who love you prosper

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