[Avodah] Rav Breuer' Position on Chalav Yisroel

Prof. Levine larry62341 at optonline.net
Tue Jan 23 10:24:36 PST 2018

Below is the response to a question I sent to someone who knew Rav
Breuer's positions on many halachic issues.  The person has asked not
to be quoted,  but I assure you that this person was very close to
Rav Breuer and knew his positions on many matters.

I wrote the following to this person:

Someone on an email list claimed that Rav Breuer held that drinking Chalav
Yisroel was a "good Chumra" and permitted the drinking of ordinary milk by
members of KAJ.

Is this true?

The response is

In response: R. Breuer held that it was halacha to drink Cholov Yisroel -
not a 'chumra.'

If one could not get cholov Yisroel - if on a trip, or it was not available
in one's neighborhood, then one could rely on R. Moshe Feinstein's
permitting non-cholov (stam).
I think you know that one of the first acts R. Breuer did for Kashrus was to
arrange for kosher milk for the members of his Kehilla. At that time
the only other kosher milk was
under the Tzelemer Rav.

Please do not quote me by name.
Thank you!


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