[Avodah] Soft vs dry matza

Ben Waxman ben1456 at zahav.net.il
Sat Mar 24 12:46:20 PDT 2018

In this week's Shabbat B'shabato (yea, it is back! Unfortunately, the 
publication isn't online nor is the translation), two rabbis discuss 
soft matzot.  I'll sum by saying that rabbis agree that according to the 
dry (no pun intended) halacha, there is no problem with Ashkenazim using 
soft matzot.  Their argument is a bit more nuanced. Rav Eli Tzilicha 
feels that there are real advantages to eating soft matzot and these 
advantages over rule any minhag to use the cracker-like matzot. Rav 
Yehoshua Dake feels that since Ashkenazim have lost the mesoret of how 
to make these matzot, they shouldn't make them or eat. However, Sefardim 
and Teimanim who do have a mesoret are permitted to do so.

My question would be if a Sefardi rav says that a matza is perfectly 
kosher, why can't an Ashkenazi person eat it? It isn't as if there is an 
argument here about the halacha.

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