[Avodah] If one forgot to prepare Charoses before Shabbos, how should it be prepared on Shabbos?

Professor L. Levine llevine at stevens.edu
Mon Mar 19 06:43:17 PDT 2018

>From today's OU Kosher Halacha Yomis

Q. If one forgot to prepare Charoses before Shabbos, how should it be prepared on Shabbos?

A. Preparing Charoses on Shabbos can involve two different Melachos, Tochein (grinding) and Losh (kneading), and each will need to be addressed.

Tochein: It is assur (prohibited) to grind fruits or vegetables on Shabbos, and therefore one may not, for example, grate apples. In order to permit cutting up apples, the following modifications must be made (Mishnah Berurah 321:45):

  *   The apples may only be cut with a knife, not with a grater.
  *   The apples must be cut into larger pieces than one would have cut them had he been making charoses during the week.
  *   They may only be cut right before the meal.
  *   One may only cut as much as one will need for that meal.

Losh: Similarly, modifications are necessary when combining the ingredients (e.g. wine, apples and nuts).

  *   The ingredients must be added in reverse order of how they would normally be added: Normally the wine is added last, but on Shabbos the wine must be added first.
  *   The Charoses must be made watery and may not be made thick.
  *   One may not stir the ingredients together in the normal manner. Instead, one may mix the ingredients together using crisscross motions, removing the spoon after each stroke. Alternatively, one can mix the ingredients with a knife, since this is not the normal method of mixing.

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