[Avodah] Interval between Tal and Geshem

hankman hankman at bell.net
Tue Mar 13 16:06:22 PDT 2018

Tephilas Tal is done on the 1st day of Pessach while Geshem is done on Shmini Atzeret. The common reason given for not doing Geshem on the 1st day of yomtov is that we delay the reference to rain until after we have completed the mitzvoh of Succah. I wonder if there may also be an astronomical reason as well. Since the earth’s orbit is elliptical and the velocity of the planet varies with the season. The result is that the “half year” from spring equinox through summer to  the fall equinox, is about 7-8 days longer than the “half year” from the fall equinox through the winter back to the spring equinox. Thus it would make sense that Geshem would be delayed by the week of yomtov while Tal would not be. Of course the Rambam’s constant  length for the tekuphot is an average number – the same for all of them. Does anyone offer this reasoning?

Kol tuv
Chaim Manaster

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