[Avodah] Even More on Rav Breuer's Position on Drinking Chalav Yisroel

Prof. Levine larry62341 at optonline.net
Wed Jan 24 14:49:27 PST 2018

I received the following from a grandson of Rav 
Yosef Breuer who was very close to him. he has asked me not to reveal his name.


I sent him the following which is from what Micha posted.

The fellow who claimed "that Rav Breuer  held that drinking Chalav
Yisroel was a "good Chumra" and permitted the 
drinking of ordinary milk by members of KAJ." has 
given me a hard time with the response I posted 
from someone close to Rav Breuer,  so I wrote to you.

He (Micha) wrote

In response:
:> R. Breuer held that it was halacha to drink Cholov Yisroel - not a
:> 'chumra.'
:> If one could not get cholov Yisroel - if on a trip, or it was not available
:> in one's neighborhood, then one could rely on R. Moshe Feinstein's
:> permitting non-cholov (stam).

I think this snippet of the response is internally inconsistent.

One doesn't have to drink milk, especially for a duration as short as a
trip. So this isn't like a heter for a she'as hadechaq. If RYB really
held that CY was iqar hadin, how could he allow violating that din for
a trip?

As I said, his shitah was apparently that CY was a chumerah. Albeit one
very worth keeping. Which has not stopped being consistent with this now
thrice-cited story:

I have had some back and forth with him, and that 
is why I wrote to you. He still insists that Rav 
Breuer held that Chalav Yisroel was a nice chumra,  but not ikar hadin.

Would you care to add something so that I can 
finally straighten  this fellow out?

This grandson of Rav Breuer replied

I cannot help if the man does not understand how 
halacha works. R Moshe did not dismiss the 
halacha of chalav Yisroel by saying that one 
could drink USDA supervised milk; he said that in 
the case of USDA supervised milk the din of 
Chalav Yisroel did not apply. Accordingly, where 
one could not get Chalav Yisroel, then one can 
drink USDA milk.. That does not make Chalav Yisroel a chumra.

R Breuer gave hashgocho to cheese which was not 
chalav yisroel, because the halachah states that 
milk for cheese need not be supervised. This does 
not mean that he did not hold from the din of chalav yisroel.

I know the individual who went on trips and was 
permitted to add Chalav Stam to his coffee--it 
was for a lengthy trip, and he was dependent on 
coffee which he could only drink with milk. He 
could not be told glibly to stay off milk for a 
trip. Rav Breuer ruled for him as halacha, not as a leniency.

I trust you will not use my name and I really do 
not want to get involved in what will be an 
endless blog exchange (the individual is unaware 
that cottage cheese, yogurt were used in the pre 
Chalav Yisroel days not beyond halachic 
parameters; there is a teshuva of R Moshe to R Schwab on the subject).

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