[Avodah] Birchat Cohanim

M Cohen mcohen at touchlogic.com
Tue Jan 2 06:56:05 PST 2018

..One is in Eretz Yisrael and dovens shacharis in a minyan which often does
not have Cohanim to duchen. Is he required to seek a minyan which has
Cohanim? If he isn't required, is it preferable?

Certainly not required. Otherwise it would asur for that reason alone to
skip minyan and doven b'yechidus in EY. Even to doven Neitz b'yechidus wbe
asur. And I don't see this issue mentioned in the poskim that discuss the
req't to doven with a minyan

..If he isn't required, is it preferable?
It w seem so. A brocha from Hashem is a very valuable thing.
(if you can't go, then it w be no different than pple in the fields that do
get the brocha even though they are not in shul)

Mordechai Cohen

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