[Avodah] FW: Rav Moshe on Smoking

Akiva Miller akivagmiller at gmail.com
Tue Jan 2 03:49:12 PST 2018

R' Zev Sero wrote:
> One has to wonder, then, why he never chose to include this in
> any of the three volumes of IM that he published after this date.

I was wondering this too. I suspect the answer to be this: The
posthumous volumes were created not only from notes that his family
found around the house and beis medrash, but mostly from personal
teshuvos that outsiders mailed to the family. It could well be that
Rav Moshe did indeed change his mind, but left no written evidence to
that effect, except for a very few private teshuvos (perhaps only one)
that had not been sent to the family until now.

Akiva Miller

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