[Avodah] New Cancer Treatment

Zev Sero zev at sero.name
Sun Dec 17 12:20:24 PST 2017

On 17/12/17 14:53, Micha Berger wrote:
> There is a machloqes Chakhamim and R' Aqiva as to whether only issurei
> kareis (except niddah) create mamzeirim, or any issur. And yet the
> Satmar Rav holds that IE-D creates mamzeirim. And one could equally
> argue there is no act of zenus.
> So, I parked my intuition at the door when trying to understand his
> shitah.

as I understand the machlokes, it's precisely over whether an act of 
zenus is necessary to create a mamzer.  The SR (aiui) holds it is not, 
therefore although no issur was done with IED the child is nevertheless 
a mamzer.  Here too, the SR would presumably hold that although there's 
no act of zenus, and therefore the treatment is permitted, should any 
child result it would be a mamzer.

But I haven't seen the SR's shitah inside, so I'm relying on 3rd-hand 
transmission which may have garbled important points.

Zev Sero                May 2017, with its *nine* days of Chanukah,
zev at sero.name           be a brilliant year for us all

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