[Avodah] knife sharpeners

Ben Bradley bdbradley70 at hotmail.com
Mon Dec 4 14:03:37 PST 2017

': On 02/12/17 15:56, Lisa Liel via Avodah wrote:
: >Are knife sharpeners mekabel taam?? And noten taam?? Do you need
: >different onces for meat, dairy, pesach, etc?
: Since they don't ever contact food, I don't see how they could.

Since they are in heated contact with the knife, aren't there potential
na"t bar na"t issues?'

Knife sharpeners get hot? What kind of sharpeners are we talking about here? I've never seen a domestic knife sharpener which gets beyond slightly warm.
But even if it did, the food would be na't to the knife, the knife to the sharpener, the sharpener to the second knife and thence to the food again. Which is na't bar na't bar na't bar na't.  I thought that's not a problem in hilchos basar b'chalav?

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